EmPowerPutida answers current market needs by the thorough application of synthetic biology. The worldwide trend of sustainable production is taken by creating novel sugar-based access to bulk and specialty chemicals. Therefore EmPowerPutida aims to engineer the lifestyle of Pseudomonas putida generating a tailored, re-factored chassis for the production of so far non-accessible biological compounds.
This industrially driven project capitalises on the outstanding metabolic endowment and stress tolerance capabilities of this versatile bacterium for the production of specialty and bulk chemicals. User-friendly software will guide the programming of cells for agreed biocatalytic activities and will simulate their expected behavior.
The well-characterized, streamlined and re-factored strain platform will offer easy-to-use plug-in opportunities for novel, DNA-encoded functions under the control of orthogonal regulatory systems. The game-changing innovations will provide strong versatility, enhanced efficiency and efficacy to the production processes, thereby overcoming current bottlenecks, matching market needs and fostering high-level research growth and development.
Workflow of the project: